

Communication - European Parliament Meeting, 5 March, 2019

IRG-Rail common meeting with European Parliament

The European Parliament and IRG-Rail promoted a joint meeting, last 5th March, in Brussels, with the representatives of the railway industry, IRG-Rail Members, Members of the European Parliament and Members of the European Commission.

The Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Claudia Monteiro de Aguiar, hosted the meeting and President Mr. João Carvalho presented IRG-Rail, the work developed by this group of Independent Regulatory Bodies for Railway and highlighted the main challenges the sector faces in the coming years. Additionally, was discussed the Fourth Railway Package and the creation of a single European rail area, with a presentation made by the Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Wim Van de Camp.

A debate was launched among the participants, with Mr. Maurizio Castelletti, from DG Mobility, emphasizing, in his view, the main challenges for the railway sector. 

It is IRG-Rail’s objective to continue to promote these meetings in the next European Parliament’s legislature.


Mr. Wim Van de Camp from European Parliament; Mr. João Carvalho from AMT – Autoridade da Mobilidade e dos Transportes and IRG-Rail President; Ms. Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar from European Parliament




Mr. Maurizio Castelletti from DG Mobility



Mr. Andrea Camanzi from ART – Autorità di Regolazione dei Transporti (IRG-Rail Member)



Mr. Piers Marlow from EPTO – European Passenger Transport Operators; Mr. Coen Timmerman from ACM – Authority for Consumers & Markets (IRG-Rail Member); Mr. Pavel Kodym from UPDI – Transport Infrastructure Access Authority (IRG-Rail Member)



Ms. Carole Coune from ERFA – European Rail Freight Association



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