Position Papers
IRG-Rail (18) 16 An overview of charges for storage sidings in the IRG-Rail member states (pdf, 1.17 MB)
IRG-RAIL (18) 10 Updated review of charging practices for the minimum access package in europe (pdf, 2.35 MB)
IRG-RAIL (18) 9 Report on time limits set in the Member States for answering requests by railway undertakings for access to, and supply of services in the service facility pursuant to Art. 13(4) of Dir. 2012/34/EU (pdf, 915.48 KB)
IRG-RAIL (18) 8 Compilation of national definitions for heritage railways (pdf, 327.21 KB)
IRG-RAIL (18) 7 Common principles on granting exemptions under Art. 2 (2) of Commission Implementing Regulation EU 2017/2177 (pdf, 336.48 KB)
IRG-Rail (18) 5 -Overview of findings regarding Implementation and interpretation of regulatory bodies’ functions and powers of regulatory bodies under article 56.9 (pdf, 735.6 KB)
IRG-Rail (18) 4 Position Paper on Commission public consultation Draft of the Implementing Regulation EET (pdf, 521.27 KB)
IRG-Rail (18) 3 Position paper regarding a Common Template for Service Facility descriptions (pdf, 157.21 KB)
IRG-Rail (18) 2 Position Paper on the revision of Reg. 2015/1100 (pdf, 332.82 KB)