
Archive press releases

Plenary Assembly in Paris - November 23 and 24

IRG-Rail holds its second Plenary Assembly of the year in Paris on November 23 and 24.

IRG-Rail had  its traditional second Plenary Assembly of the year, the last one for the French presidency and its Chairwowan, Mrs Anne Yvrande-Billon. In 2018, Andrea Camanzi, Chairman of the Italian Regulatory Body will take over alongside Joao Carvalho, Head of the Portuguese Regullatory Body.

Two days of work to enabled members to share experiences as well as best practices and to decide on the working programme for 2018, in line with the strategic orientation adopted by the members last spring.

The group also welcomes its thirty-first member, the Regulatory Body from Czech Republic.

The Plenary Assemby put a clear emphasis on end-consumers issues in the regulation environment. On this occasion, a round-table discussion was organized and we were glad to receive Julia Lamb from ERFA (European Rail Freight Association), Chris Irwin from the European passengers' federation and Nick Brooks from TrainLine, the world's leading independent digital rail platform.


  • Members meeting in Paris for the second Plenary of the year.
    IRG-Rail's Plenary Assembly
  • IRG-Rail's Chairperson, Anne Yvrande-Billon with Andrea Camanzi Vice President for 2017 on her right and Joao Carvalho, newly-elected Vice President for 2018 on her left.
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