
Archive press releases

Input on the revision of the Member States’ obligations on EU rail market monitoring approved by IRG-Rail and sent to the European Commission

IRG-Rail has approved a position paper containing input for the revision of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1100, which sets out the reporting obligations of the Member States in the framework of EU rail market monitoring.

The observations of IRG-Rail, delivered to the EU Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport by the current IRG-Rail Chair, Andrea Camanzi, were welcomed as useful input for ensuing work.

IRG Rail’s paper emphasizes, among others, the importance of co-operation between the governments and administrations of Member countries and independent regulators in the collection of national data to ensure a consistent and thorough monitoring, avoid duplications and contain administrative burdens falling upon railway undertakings. One of the topics addressed relates to definitions, which are crucial in order to ensure the accuracy of data collection and monitoring.

     Turin, 5 April 2018

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