
Archive press releases

Anniversary: IRG-Rail was founded exactly 10 years ago to the day.

Today we celebrate IRG-Rail’s tenth birthday. Ten years ago to the day, on 9 June 2011, 15 regulating bodies from Europe signed a memorandum of understanding in The Hague and established the Independent Regulators’ Group-Rail. Since then, our network has grown and now includes 31 members from across Europe. IRG-Rail has become a reliable actor within the European railway sector.

Although the focus of our attention and the scope of our activities has shifted from time to time and grown over the last ten years, the objectives of our network remain to promote

  • a consistent and harmonised approach to the regulatory framework for railways by its members;
  • the development of regulatory best practice in the railway sector in Europe for the benefit of both passengers and rail freight users;
  • sustainable and effective competition in the rail passenger and freight transport market as well as a level playing field across transport modes;
  • transparency in the railway sector.

We have come a long way in achieving these objectives – and at the same time enough remains to be done.

  • Founding of IRG-Rail 2011, The Hague
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