The Plenary discussed current regulatory and railway affaires. The working groups of IRG-Rail presented the status of the activities they worked on in the past year, the documents they delivered, as well as the plans in the Work Program for 2023. The Working group for Charges presented An overview of the implementation of direct costs in Europe as an addition to the work on market segmentation and mark-ups, while the Working Group on Charges for Service Facilities prepared An overview of electricity charges for train traction, and the Working Group for Access to Service Facilities prepared a document on the Regulatory approach to the concept of private (side) tracks. Task force on multimodality in transport presented document - Mobility as a service (MaaS).
The Plenary accepted the candidacy of the Swedish regulatory body (Transportstyrelsen) for the Vice-chairmanship of IRG-Rail in 2023 and the Chairmanship in 2024.